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Animal Aware Can Save Lives, Money, & Make Changes

States, Insurance Companies, & Human Costs Due to Vehicle / Animal Collisions
Deer / Vehicle Collisions Caused More Than $4B to $8B in Damages
An estimated 1.23 million deer / vehicle collisions occured in the U.S. between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012 costing more than $4 to $8 billion in vehicle damage. With the average claim of $3,305.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) noted that deer / vehicle collisions in the U.S. cause about 200 fatalities annually.
More serious crashes occur when drivers swerve to avoid a deer and hit another vehicle or loose control of their cars.
Texas Leads Nation in Fatal Crashes with Animals
Far more people have died in Texas motor vehicle collisions with animals than in any other state. Deer were struck in three out of every four crashes in a study that examined vehicle / animal collisions involving a human fatality. 
Study of Deer / Vehicle Collisions Planned in West Virginia
West Virginia motorist and insurance companies every year pay more than $50 million to fix damage caused when vehicles collide with deers.
Collisions Between Cars, Deer Increasing in Delaware
The News Journal of Wilmington reports that Delaware drivers have a 1 in 167.8 chance of hitting a deer.
Oklahoma Deer / Car Collisions More Likely in the Fall
About 450 animal-related crashes occurred during October and November. Oklahoma's State Farm claimants were involved in 1,716 deer-related collisions. State Farm Bureau policy holders filed 1,164 claims associated with deer collisions. The insurer paid off about $3 million. Allstate customers have reported more than 700 animal-related accidents in Oklahoma at a cost of more than $1 million. Oklahoma is home to about 500,000 deer.
Idaho Officials Fret Over Deer Collision Rise
More than 5,000 of the animals were killed by vehicals on Idaho roadways. The total numers could be higher since many collisions aren't reported to law enforcement or insurance companies. Nearly 900 animals, most of them white-tailed deer, were hit by cars on Highway 95 from just south of Coeur d' Alene to the Canadian border. Utah has spent more than $47 million on wildlife crossings and Wyoming has spent $20 million. Wildlife collisions are a threat to human safety and wildlife survival.
These are just a few of the states nation wide trying to figure out a definate for sure answer to the ever going problem of vehicle / animal collisions, especially since animals migrate and don't always cross highways and roads at the same spot every time. Multiple states Department of Transportation offices and the Department of Conservation are desperately seeking for an answering source that will make everyone happy, both of them, each states politician's, the federal government, the commuters, and the insurance companies. We believe that "Animal Aware" can do just that, but on a worldwide level.


"Animal Aware" Can Save Many Lots of Money


Many states have spent millions of dollar, a lot which is taxpayer's money to put up sectional fencing, barriers, and animal walk-around trails to try and keep migrating animals from entering highway & road traffic causing vehicle / animal collisions.


Many vehicle / animal collisions are unavoidable, but recognizing the danger and being prepared can save lives and vehicle / animal accident related costs.  We believe "Animal Aware" will provide commuters plenty of early warning time to react accordingly and save lives and money for multiple states, companies, people, and for the government by reducing these types of accident to minimal numbers or totally stopping these collisions period.


With "Animal Aware" being able to help save people, companies, and the government revenue we believe it will contribute to helping the economy to recover. Which would be able to allow people, companies, and the government to use the saved revenues for other needs and allow for a better relationship between commuters and animals.



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